Tuesday, September 1, 2020

UPG BOOK RELEASE February 2022

I am happy to announce Pandemic Chic will now be ready for release February 2022. Due to the pandemic, the publication date was delayed. My sincere apologies! I've received so much positive correspondence in anticipation of the release. I truly look forward to getting this book out to my followers. Further details for purchase will be made closer to the release date. Merci beaucoup! 

Friday, August 28, 2020

Fashion Gluttony: The Environmental Sin du Jour

Photo by luanateutzi

"Gluttony: the over-indulgence and 
over-consumption of anything to the point of waste."

From magazines, to television, to movies, to social media and everything in between, we are bombarded with the corporate machines push to make us desire more of everything. We are constantly being sold, urged to consume beyond our needs, desires, health and morality. In the US, we are one of the world's biggest and most arrogant examples of excess and mass consumption.